I am 15! God has been soooo gracious to me for these 15 years. He has blessed me with life, health, his salvation, wonderful friends and family, and so many more things that I can't count them all!
He has even blessed me through the hard times too! Two years ago, I lost two of my siblings by miscarriage, and through that hard experience, I grew in my relationship with the Lord. I had been (and still do, like all sinful human beings) struggling with being content with what I had, and where I was. When we lost the babies, the Lord used that hard circumstance to show me where I was struggling. Slowly but surely, through my devotions, and lots of prayer, I have found it a little bit easier lately to be content.
I am going through an awesome book in my devotions right now. It is called:
~ Contentment- a godly woman's adornment. By Lyda Brownback.
I was really convicted this morning when I read this little section:
"We can-and should-certainly enjoy the material things God gives us, but only if we hold them loosely. It is the love of this world's blessings, the focus on getting them, that is the problem, not the blessings themselves. We don't need anything more than what we have right now, today, in order to be content. The bible says so; therefore, it must be true. The choice is ours."
Isn't that great?
I also have a prayer request this morning. Jenna, from
Feminine Farm girl , could really use some prayer, or even a sympathetic comment on her blog. She lost one of her goats and all three of the goat kids due to complications in the goat's pregnancy. Even though she and her family are really hurting, they are still praising the Lord. I'm sure she would appreciate a lot of prayer right now!
Thanks guys!!!!!!!!!