Monday, November 28, 2011


This Thanksgiving, as I sat in my bed at the end of the day, I thought about all of the things that I had to be thankful for this year.  I mean, of course there are the basic things that I am very thankful for like life, a home and food, but this year I have made a goal to really try to make more of, think more of, and do more with the wonderful seasons that God has graciously given to me.
Yes, i'm thankful for life, but deeper than that,  i'm thankful for the fullness of this life!  I have been placed in a home where my family loves me and loves one another with all of their hearts.
I'm thankful for a home that acts like a real home.  I'm thankful for the coziness of the fire and the Christmas lights hanging on the mantle.  For Tyner (our dog) coming up to snuggle beside me while Mom has devotions with us, and yes, even for the unfinished basement with all of it's bare, exposed ceilings.
I am extremely no, cantankerously thankful for the food that God has blessed us with! (I think that I used cantankerously in the wrong context, but it sounded big enough :)
I am thankful for the homemade pizza nights of Fridays, for the girl's international cooking night on Thursdays, and even for that brussel sprout/bacon/whatever else is in that dangerous side dish that Mom is thinking about making soon.

Lord, i'm so thankful for everything that you have blessed me with this year!  Thank you for Ben's asking me if Thanksgiving was a holiday that celebrated turkeys being killed (no joke!).
Thank you for mom and dad's desire to extend hospitality and giving this Christmas season.
Thank you for keeping me motivated as I finish the last few chapters of my book (the one I'm writing)
Thank you for the cozy rain and the relaxed school day today.
And thank you for helping us to finally find the right church!
Dear Jesus, thank you for this awesome life that you have given me!


Psssst. . . . We had an absolutely WILD Thanksgiving weekend with Dad's side of the fam.  An overload of pictures to come soon!
Oh, and by the way!  I hope you like the new Christmas face lift i'm to give the 'ol' blog.  :)

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